Our Story

The reason I started Blissful Butterz is because I want my family using the most natural ingredients on the market. My oldest daughter has suffered from eczema her entire life and it has been very stressful journey trying to find what products work to relieve her itch and bring her discoloration back to normal. After several doctors visits and a purchasing a ton of over the counter products, I never found the one thing that works. Everything was only a temporary fix. As a parent, seeing my child in pain and irritated really took a toll on me and put me in a place where I was very unhappy. In my head, I’m thinking “ I’m the mom and I can’t help her.” That’s our job as parents, right? We are supposed to be the super heroes. But I wasn’t that for her because nothing would work. I was at a crossroads. With myself…But I knew something had to be done but I just couldn’t figure it out. One day I just sat down and started doing extensive research trying to figure out other options that we had not tried. I then stumbled across SHEA BUTTER. I was locked in when I started reading all the benefits derived from natural Shea. I wasn’t sure if it would help, but I had nothing to lose. I then started applying Shea butter to her skin. After careful observation, I started to see improvements which is good…Only problem is my daughter did not like that the butter was so hard. Back to the drawing board I went to! I decided to find a way to soften the butter as a whipped body butter to see if that texture was better for her. It was a WIN! I was then able to blend other natural ingredients into the Shea butter to see if I could come up with a perfect concoction. To my surprise, it actually worked. At this point, I’m super excited. I got my superpower back! I said maybe I should try to make a cream as well. So that’s exactly what I did. Guess what, her eczema is completely gone. She fell in love with my Shea butter and she has never parted from it. I even started using it on myself and my other kids as well because it comes with so many skin benefits. One day, my daughter came to me and said ma you should make this for people. I thought to myself “that’s a really great idea.” I knew it worked for her and I know it keeps our skin radiant and glowing. So back to the drawing board I went to.
I decided to create Blissful Butterz so we can help other people who might be struggling with the same or similar situation. It is also intended to help those who just want something natural and real that is made with LOVE. We are called to be a blessing to others. If you are blessed with a gift that could help others, then that is what you should do. So I am sharing our journey with you and I am also giving you the remedy that helped us through. Blessings.